Social Distancing, Self-Quarantine, Flatten The Curve. You’ve heard these phrases a million times over. And these last 4 weeks have been a challenge for us to maintain optimism in the presence of a health pandemic. This extended quarantine period has further increased our anxiety levels causing us to be even more concerned about whether or not we can fight this health crisis and if we can accomplish this in the period given to us.
On top of that, the last 4 weeks have proven difficult to cope with the sudden, drastic lifestyle change and worse, to live this new “norm” while being apart from our loved ones. Some of us are lucky to be quarantined with family, significant others or even friends but what about those quarantined alone? Those forced to sacrifice precious time away from loved ones because they have to, to protect them.
All these factors put together, create a strain on our mental health. As a culture built on the concept of togetherness, basically on any significant moment of our lives, this bears an extra weight that we were not immediately prepared for. But luckily, despite all that, humanity remains hopeful, resilient, creative and positive. Gradually, we were somehow able to adapt to these changes and find ways to keep our connection with the rest of the world, alive. Technology plays a gigantic role in the fight to stay calm, connected, and safe during these extraordinary times. And to help, here are some very effective means to achieve just that:
Zoom, Facetime, Facebook are among those messaging platforms that have a video call feature that allows you to plan those online get-togethers to see your friends, relatives and simply catch up. This technology has even allowed celebrities or public figures to provide us with entertainment and even inspiration in the safety of our homes.
There are plenty of social media content right now that allow for conversation, inspiration and creativity. Take on these challenges with your friends and exchange ideas. Sometimes, this can also help you see yourself and your friends in a new light and surprise yourself with how much fun you can have on Instagram, Facebook or even Tiktok.
Netflix, Apple TV, Spotify, iTunes are just a few of the more popular streaming apps available that provide us with unlimited access to movies, songs, TV shows and more. Fall in love, cry or be inspired by your favorite film and sing along to your favorite track.
Youtube and Google, are just two of a wide range of sources of information available on the world wide web. The internet is chock full of helpful sites to keep you occupied and stimulated this extended quarantine period. Join a virtual workout class, sign up for an online course from Yale or Harvard University, Participate and learn a new skill on digital marketing, ecommerce, fashion and trade from an online workshop, Learn how to meditate so you can stay calm and collected. The best thing about these sites? Almost all of them can be accessed for free.
You see, no matter how hard it may be right now to experience all these changes away from everyone you hold dear, we must remember that social distancing and staying at home is part of a bigger plan to keep you safe. Keep in mind that these hard times are temporary and that we will succeed only if we work towards the same goal. So take advantage of technology, stay home and stay safe. Because right now, that’s how we take care of each other, before eventually having your life #CapturedPerfectly with SweetEscape again, soon.