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Post-holiday Work Out Plan From Coach Vanessa @chillibean
30 Jul 2018INSPIRATIONBY SweetEscape

Ah, holiday.. It’s the time when we’re allowed to go a little rogue, eat whatever we want, and indulge in everything. After that, it happened again. When the holidays are over, you’re starting to feel like you need to burn those extra calories, but recovering and getting back on track after the holidays isn’t always easy.


Coach Vanessa Budihardja (@chillibean), a health and wellness professional, a certified Nike trainer and an indoor cycling instructor at RIDE Jakarta (who manages to juggle everything and still kicks ass!) shares four tips about getting back into an exercise regime after a long holiday.

1. Don’t feel terrible

Holidays are there for a reason: to completely enjoy yourself. After a holiday, getting back into your workout and healthy eating routine would count as a “detox” from all the holiday indulgence. It’s going to be hard at first and but you’re going to feel better soon.

2. Choose better eating habits

It will give you more energy throughout the day, balance your mood, reduce risk of chronic disease and help you control your weight better.

by Helena for SweetEscape in Cape Town

3. Start and be consistent

There’s no one size fits all for the “best” exercise regime after a long holiday as this depends on each individual and their goals. However, the easiest thing to do is to sign up for group/personal training classes and really stick to it. Consistency is key.

4. Enjoy

Try to make it as enjoyable as you can by exercising with a group of friends or choosing types of exercises you enjoy that truly push you. I would recommend a good mix of endurance, strength and mobility, and tailor it to each person’s goals and athletic capacities at a given time.

So, are you ready to get back into the routine?

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