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Ready To Go Back To School? Here Are Some Motivations For Your First Day!
12 jul 2019IdeasBY SweetEscape

When it comes to going back to school... you've got to admit it, you either hate it or love it! SweetEscape is here to help our fellow Escapists–whether it is you or your kids who are about to start a new school year–to get up and motivated for school!

by Dalvin for SweetEscape in Melbourne

1. Upgrade Your Wardrobe: When You Feel Good... You Look Good!

That's right, one of the main keys to feeling good is to look good! There's actually a lot of benefits that you can reap from a new or upgraded wardrobe. As many of us know, humans get bored easily, and maybe those worn out clothes of yours are the cause of the no-excitement-whatsoever feeling that you have. So do yourself a big favor and go to your favorite mall for some shopping-spree fun! Make a list of all the things you need and needs replacement.

by Natasha for SweetEscape in London
by Natasha for SweetEscape in London

A fun tip, google "school closet staples" for a complete list of the things you need to be ready for school. While you're at it, give your closet a little makeover and do some Marie Kondo intervention to it. That way, it'll be so much more convenient for you to pick out your outfit for school in the mornings.

by Natasha for SweetEscape in London

2. Do Your Hobbies While You Can!

Holidays are bittersweet, we love it because we have all that freedom... But it's bitter because it's usually over in just a flash. Therefore, our tip for you is to make the most out of your holidays is to really make use of that short time!

by Agik for SweetEscape in Bali
by Agik for SweetEscape in Bali

Whether it be traveling, taking a pottery class, or perhaps trying out instruments that you've never played before... this is the time to do it. This way, you won't feel so bummed when school commences, because you know you've had a ball during that break.

by Agik for SweetEscape in Bali

3. Lock and Loaded: Get New Stationaries!

Another tip that helps (believe it or not) is to to get yourself some new stationery for your new classes - and yes, all of that good stuff; pens, pencils, books, binders and everything to your liking. Not to get too deep in it, but it's even psychologically proven that school stationery can actually help motivate you in school.

by Deby for SweetEscape in Tokyo
by Deby for SweetEscape in Tokyo

Once you get your school stationery organized, we assure you you'll be more than ready to go and conquer the new school year.

by Deby for SweetEscape in Tokyo

4. The School of Rock: Make New Playlist For Your New School Year!

Create a new playlist, and listen to all your favorite songs that are potential candidates to be put in that playlist. Specifically, add those songs that can turn any of your days downside up. Once you have that all set, you're more than ready to take over a new school year with some great motivating tunes!

by Janos for SweetEscape in Siargao
by Janos for SweetEscape in Siargao

Music playlists are unique to every individual, and it's one of the things that make you... you! Go all out with the music in your playlist, and be sure to play those tunes daily before school.

by Janos for SweetEscape in Siargao

5. Catch-Up With Your Friends!

What is school without your bestfriends and buddies? Let's be honest... without our friends, we would feel some sort of emptiness lingering within us. But a big special thanks to our friends, school seems to be a tad bit better and more bearable to go through! With that said, could you think of an even better idea than to gather your closest friends for a little get-together before the new school term?

by Hisham for SweetEscape in Singapore
by Hisham for SweetEscape in Singapore

Host a little barbeque at your house, or if possible and financially able, book a room or villa with Airbnb with your besties for a day or two and have a sleepover. Otherwise, opt for a mini roadtrip somewhere together and have an adventurous bonding time as a group. This way, you'll be even more motivated as you are reminded that you have your besties to get through another school year!

by Hisham for SweetEscape in Singapore

Whether you would like to capture special moments alone or with your closest friends, don't forget that SweetEscape is always ready capture the moment for you! We capture any occasion, any time, anywhere. We connect you to a growing network of photographers in 500+ cities around the world, and your photos will be ready for download in 48 hours after the session via the SweetEscape app and our website. Book your session today and let's #MakeLifeMemorable!

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