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Did You Know Today is National Selfie Day?
21 jun 2023IdeasBY SweetEscape

Have you taken a golden hour lighting selfie that illuminates your skin taking it to a level of pure flawlessness, then later posting it on social media & celebrating how amazing you look? Well, today is the day for you to commemorate it! Other than taking tons and tons of selfies in pursuit of the perfect one, SweetEscape also has interesting facts about selfies you must know! Here are 3 fun facts about selfies!

Did you know Paris is the most popular destination where people take selfies?

Of course, The famous Eiffel Tower always takes everyone's breath away with its fascinating architecture & history! It seems that this tall and pointy tower just fits perfectly right for people to memorize their selfie moment and post it to social media. That is why this place marks the most popular destination for selfies. Who wouldn’t want to take a selfie here, right?

by Max for SweetEscape in Paris
by Max for SweetEscape in Paris

Fear of missing out is the main factor of people taking selfies?!

The word "FOMO" is very common for people who love to take selfies. People nowadays love to stand out on social media by creating exciting selfies and updating every memory they have or been going through. Sometimes, when you are surrounded by your friends or families who are taking selfies, you wouldn’t want to be left out, right? So yes, if you are a selfie enthusiast, then you are also a “FOMO” type of person!

by Adiart for SweetEscape in Bali

By 2013, the word "Selfie" was added to the Oxford Dictionary as an official word!

Probably you might not know that “Selfie” is actually an official word that you can find in a dictionary! Selfie is described as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.” It went on to be named the Word of the Year by the Oxford Dictionary in 2014. Interesting, huh?

by Grece for SweetEscape in Tokyo
by Vitaliy for SweetEscape in Hamburg

So, did you know any of these interesting facts about selfie? Are you interested in taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower? Or are you one of those “FOMO” types of people? Well, your selfie moment can also be taken by SweetEscape! Our local photographers in 500+ cities around the world are ready to capture your memorable memories anytime, anywhere! Smile, we’re here!

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