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What to Prepare Months Before the Year-End Holidays
15 Okt 2017IdeBY SweetEscape

Holiday’s approaching! It’s the season of packing coats, shopping for boots and checking the weather web thirty times a day. Wherever you’re going this end of year, we’ve got a checklist to have you covered!


Traveling is about discovering - new places, new people, new flavors. You depart with a single knowledge and companion and comes home with a million fresh discoveries. Find the right places to go, research on the best and plan out the routes to your itinerary to make the most of your trip! A missed train can turn your trip downward.

Dressing right for the weather

The best part about traveling year-end is the seasons! All over the world, the seasons evolves into winter wonderlands and cold winters to bright summers. Whether you're traveling far to see the first snow or escaping the long winter to sunny tropics, make sure you’re dressing right for the weather. Pack your coats, stockings and long johns - or get your swimsuits out and ditch that sneakers for breezy sandals.

Events of the season

Take advantage of the festivities at this year’s end. Look for events happening on your dates of travel; seasonal markets, new year’s countdown or even concerts. Make the most of the holiday spirit and celebrate with the locals!

Year end’s sale

We all know that shopping as seasons changes gives the best deals. You never know, there might be a mega sale or even private auctions happening at a store nearby the hotel and you haven’t got a clue, unless you research about all the sale happenings beforehand! Be prepared to save some millions.

Celebration reservations

Of course, we can’t forget about the crowd on holiday nights. Tourists are filling out the tables and locals are celebrating out in restaurants. Pre-book a table for that Christmas dinner or a special supper at the last day of 2017. Check for restaurants serving special holiday menus and its opening hours to make sure you and your loved ones stay warm inside with roasted turkey and wine at your table instead wandering about for ten free seats at the deli.

by Daria for SweetEscape in Paris
by Haris for SweetEscape in New York
by for SweetEscape in Seoul
SweetEscape in Bali
Destinasi SweetEscape
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