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On Self-Care and being a Family Woman: 10 Questions with Amanda Griffin-Jacob
28 8월 2019이야기BY SweetEscape

A wife and mother of four, the English-Filipino TV personality and model has a passion for both family life and personal travels. As a busy career woman, Amanda Griffin doesn't forget to make time for herself and family. Though it’s a tough balancing act, she does it with style and grace while making all of it look effortless! We caught up with her recently and she's shared everything from favorite family moments, tips on traveling with kids, her advocacies, how she takes care of her wellbeing to words of wisdom she’d impart to her 20-year-old self. Keep reading for the fun stuff.

1. Tips on traveling with kids?

Make plans for every day of the trip but remember to be flexible. Always bring a first aid kit in your carry-on bag Keep snacks and water on hand. Nothing worse than hangry kids.
by Abi for SweetEscape in London
by Abi for SweetEscape in London

2. What’s your most memorable family trip and why?

Our most memorable trip would have to be the most recent one to Sydney because all 4 were complete. Australia holds a special place in my heart since I lived there when I went to university and it’s always so nice to share favorite spots with my family.

by Camilla for SweetEscape in Gold Coast

3. What are some key takeaways you want readers to pick up from your book on motherhood?

There is no right or wrong way to parent. You have to do what works best for your family. And always ask for help. People are more than willing to help struggling mamas.

by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney
by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney

4. What are some of your favourite activities to do with the kids? Or How do you spend family time?

We love the beach. My kids can spend hours on the beach with nothing but a bucket and shovel. Being beside the water and in the sun is my husband David’s happy place. And I find Zen when everyone is happy and doing their own thing.

by Camilla for SweetEscape in Gold Coast

5. How’s it like traversing across two homes (Manila and Singapore)? What are some of the things you love about both cities?

I’ve been a nomadic mom right from the start of my parenting journey. When I gave birth to my eldest child Kieran, we lived in Hong Kong and I was commuting to Manila every 3 weeks. Even though I’ve had 3 children since then, my commuting lifestyle never changed. It’s not that difficult since I’ve been doing it for a decade. I travel with the 4 kids alone back and forth from Singapore and Manila. The older ones are much easier to travel with now.

I feel so lucky to be able to call both places home. I always miss the Filipino people and warmth when I’m in Singapore. There is nothing like Filipino service and care. For Singapore I love the efficiency of the place. Everything works. You can’t beat that.

by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney
by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney

6. What advocacies are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about the environment. What’s going on right now with the Amazon is frightening me so much. I’ve recently started working with an organization to help raise awareness about OSEC (online sexual exploitation of children). It is such a travesty. The Philippines is the global hub for OSEC and it needs to be stopped.

by Abi for SweetEscape in London

7. How do you stay fit/healthy/detox from your day to day?

Hot yoga and running are the 2 ways that I stay fit AND detox. Hot yoga helps me sweat out the toxins and meditate at the same time. And running gives me a wonderful cardiovascular workout and also helps me calm down and release anxiety. I couldn’t function properly if I wasn’t able to do these 2 things. I’m also plant based which helps keep my health in check.

by Raul for SweetEscape in Florence
by Raul for SweetEscape in Florence

8. Being a successful model and TV host, what would you say to your 20-year old self?

Don’t be so conscious of what others think or have to say. Everyone has an opinion and most of the time it really has nothing to do with you. I would also say try to be more confident. I was so shy and I got misunderstood quite a lot, which was painful. Easy for me to say now..not sure my 20 year old self would have been able to put into practice. AND wear more sunblock!!!

by Abi for SweetEscape in London

9. What are some of your self-care routines or what do you do for “me time”?

My self-care routines are really my exercise routines. I also like to get massages. And indulge in some mindless TV for escapism. My life is so hectic and loud all the time that I just appreciate when I can give my ears and mind a respite for a few minutes.

by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney
by Ferry for SweetEscape in Sydney

10. How was your experience booking with SweetEscape?

SweetEscape is always so easy to book and work with. The photographers are always so nice and accommodating. And I love the post processing of all the photos.

by Abi for SweetEscape in London

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