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10 Tips For SweetEscape First Timer
29 1월 2020아이디어BY Cisca

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time or the 47th, we guarantee that you will enjoy your traveling experience all the more with SweetEscape. As your chosen storyteller, we’re ready to color your holiday with fun, style and memories. The question is, are YOU ready? With our top 10 tips as a SweetEscape first timer below, you’ll not only answer YES, but confidently so too :

1. Connect With Your Photographer

As soon as you’ve completed your booking, you’ll be assigned with a selected photographer best fitted to your schedule. Your photographer will soon reach out to you to arrange necessary details such as the photoshoot schedule and location. Make sure that you both reach a clear understanding with details to ensure the best SweetEscape moments on the D day!

by Danica for SweetEscape in Kyoto
by Danica for SweetEscape in Kyoto

2. Befriend Your Photographer

In addition to all the necessary details, don’t hesitate to chat your photographer up like you would an old friend! While all selected photographers are professionals, they’re super friendly peeps who love to share local tips to make your holiday even sweeter - especially when you guys have met up for the photoshoot. Just warm up to him/her and we promise, you’ll find yourself in good company.

by Bruna for SweetEscape in New York
by Bruna for SweetEscape in New York

3. Be on Time

It is common courtesy to be on time, so make sure that you arrive as per your agreed schedule. Being on time is not only about manners too, because rushing can put you in a bad mood and you definitely don’t want to start your photoshoot that way! If you are likely to run late, contact your photographer ahead to notify him/her.

by Deby for SweetEscape in Tokyo
by Deby for SweetEscape in Tokyo

4. Ready Yourself

The simple rules to a happy traveling photography : being well-rested and well-fed.

As we all know, traveling can be exhausting, especially with all the excitement around us. But for your SweetEscape session, it’s recommended that you take your holiday slow and easy to maintain your best look. In addition to getting enough rest before your photoshoot, also make sure that you’ve enjoyed a good meal and are well-hydrated.

by Bonny for SweetEscape in Bangkok
by Bonny for SweetEscape in Bangkok

5. Dress Comfortably

Fashion is part of the drama and we all love the OOTD game in photography. Still, you want to put comfort first by choosing outfits that suit the location and weather. Whether you’re going with full-glam or extra-casual, prioritize the clothes that make you feel comfortable in your own skin.

by Pooja for SweetEscape in Tokyo
by Pooja for SweetEscape in Tokyo

6. The Right Makeup & Hairdo

We’re all about au-naturale beauty, especially with the sun-kissed skin and happy holiday glow. But, we know for a fact that the right makeup and hairdo can put an extra oomph to your pictures. We’re not saying you should bring in your own hair & makeup team, but it’s a good idea to powder up a bit and give your hair a bit of life before the photoshoot. Try it and thank us later.

by Marlon for SweetEscape in Melbourne
by Marlon for SweetEscape in Melbourne

7. Go With Natural Poses

A lot of first timers get nervous with the idea of posing for the camera. The best tip we can give is : go with the natural look. This involves relaxing your pose, smile naturally, and forget that you’re actually in front of the camera!

Easier said than done? Maybe- but in the selfie age, don’t let self-consciousness get in the way of your best angle. It’s time to flash your widest smile! :D

by Alan for SweetEscape in Hong Kong
by Alan for SweetEscape in Hong Kong

8. Be Open Minded

Don’t be afraid to get wet, to run the opposite direction, to close your eyes and feel the wind, and try everything in between. Talk to your photographer and listen to him/her if there’s a wild idea that will make for a great photo memory. Let go of your guard and make it the best holiday experience unlike anything you’ve had before.

by Eric for SweetEscape in Singapore
by Eric for SweetEscape in Singapore

9. Voice Your Concerns

It takes two to make a great team, in this case you and your photographer. If you have any concerns before, during or after the photoshoot, you’re encouraged to spill the beans and share it right away. If you’re worried that the sunlight doesn’t hit right or that your photographer hasn’t capture the vibes you want, lay it out in the open so that everyone can get the most out of the photo session.

by Freddie for SweetEscape in Melbourne
by Freddie for SweetEscape in Melbourne

10. Be Yourself!

Last but not least, be yourself and have fun! Let the SweetEscape photoshoot be another moment in the sun that you will remember as the best day ever. Good luck and enjoy!

by Rick for SweetEscape in Beijing
by Rick for SweetEscape in Beijing

SweetEscape is here to capture every auspicious moment of your Chinese New Year, whether you plan to celebrate it at home or while traveling. We connect you to thousands of photographers in 500+ cities around the world. Capture every moment with SweetEscape and let's #MakeLifeMemorable!

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