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How To: Sit Back and Relax After A Long Week Of Work
16 8월 2019아이디어BY SweetEscape

We're well aware that most of our escapists are daily workers of the 9 to 6, or 8 to 5 (or even earlier). Work is obviously a routine activity, and we can all agree that it gets too much and overwhelming at times. Since work is the reality that we have to deal with, we're at least blessed with the fact that we earn money from it - and we can use it for whatever purpose with whomever we want!

Remember, escapists, that life is about balance. Too much of anything will not do you any good, believe us (Even drinking too much water is bad for you)! With that said, SweetEscape is here to tell you that you deserve a break from all that hard work you do every day. How? Read on for some great ways of relaxing after a long week of work.

by Deo for SweetEscape in Bromo

1. Netflix and Stay In

Ever since you started working, what are things you couldn't do like you used to? Remember back in those carefree days when you didn't have to think about going to bed early for the next day, and you could do just about anything you wanted to without worrying what the next day will be like? Surely, one of the things you miss the most about your life back then was being able to just stay home and do nothing all day long (except for the usual trips to the bathroom etc). So, stay in at home - and netflix all day! You'll be surprised at how such a simple day will bring you so much happiness, like a kid at a candy store.

by Sam for SweetEscape in Singapore

2. Staycation - the next best thing to a proper vacation

Eventually after months and years of working, you'll be thinking to yourself... "A vacation would be perfect this time around". However, sometimes we face downsides in life - perhaps your wallet isn't as thick as it was, or maybe you're still busy paying the down payment for that dream home of yours. All of that leaves you with, well, just enough money to go by your days. On the bright side, you're in a lot of luck! The very reason why the idea of staycation was surfaced is for people like you. Go and head over to that favorite airbnb of yours, or check out some cute and cheap hotels in your hometown and stay there for the weekend. You'll be coming back to work the next week feeling reborn and oh-so-fresh after that semi-getaway.

by Agik for SweetEscape in Bali
by Agik for SweetEscape in Bali

3. Get into reading a great book

Not much of a traveller, or not in the mood to go out of the house? You can pick up a new book to read, and make sure you've read the reviews beforehand to see whether it suits you (or not, whichever!). Books are a great alternative that you can enjoy while relaxing in the comfort of your own bed, couch or on the bench of your local park. Indulge in your book while you enjoy the nice breeze with the occasional brushes of falling leaves, or perhaps, you'd like to go to that homey coffee shop downtown. By the end of this trip, we guarantee you will feel a whole lot more fulfilled!

by Ksenia S for SweetEscape in Venice

4. Go to a spa - spoil yourself!

It doesn't matter if you are a male or female, go ahead and spoil yourselves in that favorite spa or massage destination of yours. You deserve it. Your body needs relaxation too, you know. It's the main reason why spas were created in the first place, to relieve people of their daily life stress and workloads. Get the full-day spa, if need be. You'll spend hours being spoiled in the spa place without having to worry about a thing.

by Nathania for SweetEscape in Bali
by Nathania for SweetEscape in Bali

5. Go somewhere refreshing (preferably new)

Had your eye on an exciting new place for quite some time, now? Look over your travel book'o'wishes and go through your checklist. Since this is only for the weekend, we suggest you go somewhere local or near - save the farther ones for a longer break! Since human beings aren't meant for monotone lives, the occasional spike in the same old routine will do you a lot of good!

by Andi for SweetEscape in Bali

6. Do something fun, the weirder the better!

To save you all the trouble from thinking of what we mean, we'll sum it up for you right here, right now. Escape rooms, paint ball, break room... get the idea? Google them and find the closest one in your area, and we guarantee you'll be thrilled by doing any of these activities. Found something even better or weirder? Great! Whatever it is, do something out of the ordinary. You'll find that going back to work the next week easier than ever before after this!

by Fatih for SweetEscape in Cappadocia
by Fatih for SweetEscape in Cappadocia

Whether you're doing something relaxing or extraordinary for the weekend, remember to book a session with SweetEscape to capture those moments for you! Anytime, any where, and for any occasion you would like to have, you can simply book your session in less than two minutes through our website or mobile app. SweetEscape is always ready #ForEvery moment!

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