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Love, According to Her
11 7월 2017이야기BY SweetEscape

Women can be mysterious and impossible to decipher their love signs. But once they’re all figured out, love can be seen in everything. Meet Georgiana, our darling, strong woman who doesn’t shy away from love.

I used to think that all men are the same. But when I met Asyer, I changed my mind. He’s the one who taught me that it is okay to be weak and vulnerable, the one who provided me with the assurance that he will always be there when I need him.

SweetEscape in Johannesburg
SweetEscape in Johannesburg

One major aspect that I learned from him is to be selfless, especially to the people in my life. He’s always been there through the ups and downs of my life. His endless support also helped me face the bumps in my path.

Asyer is very different than other men in the current society. He doesn’t have that excess ego that typical men have. Seriously. He wouldn’t get mad just because he feels like his masculinity is threatened. He’s calm, obviously very different to me, but I feel like our differences are what makes us incredibly compatible.

SweetEscape in Johannesburg

No matter how many times I try to doubt him and create unnecessary problems in our relationship, he still loves me unconditionally. Asyer has given me enough proof that I can always confidently depend on him. He is my secure base and I hope we would stay like this eternally.

-Georgiana, a girl who's head over heels in love

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