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Challenge Yourself: 5 Habits To Start And Why
20 1月 2020想法BY Natalia

SweetEscape is an on demand photography platform. Since the new year vibes are still up in the air, we figure it's the perfect time to bring up the topic of building positive habits. Bad habits can be a challenge to get rid of, especially if they've been stuck with you for a while. On the plus side, bad habits can be replaced by good ones with some effort and willingness. Don't know where to start? We've got a list of 5 great habits to begin with.

by Kateryna for SweetEscape in Rome
by Kateryna for SweetEscape in Rome

1. Smiles make the world go 'round

Smiles are contagious, and in a good way. You'll feel better about yourself, hence we highly encourage you to start this habit. What's even better is to capture these great moments of smiles with SweetEscape for you to look back on for reasons to smile when you're feeling blue.

by Aleksandra for SweetEscape in London
by Aleksandra for SweetEscape in London

2. Read to lead and succeed

Surely you remember your first few years in school. Those were exciting times, right? Through reading, you learned to speak and grew your skills in speaking and reading. Before you knew it, you're going on adventures through books in school. Reading helps you grow. (Re)Apply that habit back into your daily life for surprising results.

by Minho for SweetEscape in Seoul
by Minho for SweetEscape in Seoul

3. Gratitude for the little things

If you have a roof over your head, daily food on the table, comfy clothes to wear or simply a number of people who love you, give thanks for those little things. The simplest way is to stop always looking up high at those who have more than you.

by Bryan for SweetEscape in Orange County, CA
by Bryan for SweetEscape in Orange County, CA

4. Surround yourself with positivity

It's easy to be influenced by negativity, especially coming from people surrounding you. Perhaps you've been having some life troubles, but the very people you trust would only put you down instead of supporting you. Do yourselves a favor and steer away from these people to make room for positive influences instead. You don't get to live forever, so why waste your time on people deemed unworthy of your energy?

by Natasha for SweetEscape in London
by Natasha for SweetEscape in London

5. Daily self-care

We're brainwashed to crave the superficial things in life, and we spend our time working hard to achieve them. That's great and all, but sometimes along the way, we accidentally lose ourselves little by little due to how intense the working life can be. Always remember to sit back and care for yourself; a day at the spa, a quick staycation or getaway, or even a simple stay-at-home to regain your sanity.

by Nadya for SweetEscape in San Francisco
by Nadya for SweetEscape in San Francisco

SweetEscape connects you to thousands of local professional photographers in more than 500 cities around the world, so you can capture every moment and get beautiful photos directly to your devices in just 48 hours after your session. Download our app, book your session today and let's #MakeLifeMemorable!

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