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5 DOs & DON'T at Wedding Parties
12 9月 2019想法BY SweetEscape

When it comes to weddings, most of us are either aware, very aware or entirely clueless as to the Do's and Dont's when attending a wedding party. For those of you in the clueless spectrum, here is your chance to learn a few of the most common Do's and Dont's that you should definitely hold on to for you and the good of others!

The DO's

1. RSVP Promptly

Before everything else, the very first thing that would occur prior to the actual wedding... is receiving the invitation. We know, the majority of you lead busy lives with the very many activities that you have here and there, wedding invitations are often "neglected" or put aside until you have free time on your hands. Our tip for you: reply as soon as you receive your invitation in order to be a proper friend. Send them a quick message or give them a quick call as to whether or not you'll be able to attend the wedding!

by Aleksandra for SweetEscape in London
by Aleksandra for SweetEscape in London

2. Honor The Couple's Wishes

Especially for those couples who lean more towards the religious and cultural side, you would often find yourself having to attend both the ceremonial and receptional parties. That's okay, you can be honest with us. Til this day you still don't understand why you should have to attend both. But again, different couples different strokes! It's not a daily activity for you, and in order to maintain those relations suck it up for a day and make the wedded couple happy! You'll have your turn, one day!

by Lisa for SweetEscape in Paris

3. Be Respectful

Most of us have our own traditions and beliefs. However, when attending a wedding, it's very important that we are respectful towards their traditions and culture - it's not about us! For instance, if you were to attend a religious ceremony, you would need to highly consider wearing covered up clothing to show respect.

by Carina for SweetEscape in Singapore
by Carina for SweetEscape in Singapore

4. Dress Appropriately

No matter what wedding it is, it's a universal agreement that people are to dress apropriately. For instance, don't opt for revealing or worn out clothing, and also consider having your outfits pressed for the event - you wouldn't want to look like you fell asleep in your outfit, right?

by Hisham for SweetEscape in Singapore

5. Send Polite Gift

Giving a wedding gift can be quite tricky - unless you've prepared yourselves way in advance after asking around to the wedding experts. In order to save some trouble for you, the trick to be on the safe side is just to give them money. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about buying duplicate items for the new couple.

by Deffry for SweetEscape in Sydney
by Deffry for SweetEscape in Sydney

The DONT's

1. Be Late

Being late for anything, especially being late to attend someone's wedding is considered to be impolite. Think about it, weddings are perceived as respectable hence why many cultures create rules and traditions to celebrate them. With that said, being late is considered as an unrespectful act in the eyes of not only the the host, but also the other invitees.

by Deffry for SweetEscape in Sydney
by Deffry for SweetEscape in Sydney

2. Assume Partners Are Invited

Although most events allow you to bring a plus one - it's not always the case! If you don't already know, it's only ethical for you to bring a plus one or friend if it's written on the invitation. In the case that your partner isn't invited or you aren't allowed to bring a plus one, don't take it to the heart! Many people are on a tight budget even for their own weddings - and inviting a plus one means allocating more funds for the event.

by Topan for SweetEscape in Banyuwangi

3. Be Engrossed with Your Phone

If you're attending a party, you're there to celebrate a purpose while you socialize with other attendees. Like in the movies, you would often see people socializing and even getting to know others at these parties. We get it, you probably use your phone to take pictures of the beautiful event that's going on.

by Jen for SweetEscape in Queenstown
by Jen for SweetEscape in Queenstown

4. Rush Off

As a guest, you would automatically need to respect the bride and groom of the reception. You were invited to celebrate their wedding, and it's not an everyday thing! Weddings can be hectic, and they can also be simple. Depending on your friend, the wedding may or may not be to your liking. For both cases, it's important that you stick around until the cutting of the cake as the official symbol of being wedded.

by Eriko for SweetEscape in Kyoto

5. Wear White!

You might be thinking, "What's wrong with wearing white?" Well, popular to traditional belief, the color white is to be worn only by the bride of the wedding. Hence, people would often see it as unethical if guests of the event (especially female guests) opt to wear white to attend the wedding party. So, unless it were your own wedding... we highly suggest that you avoid wearing white, it'll save you a lot of social rep!

by Adi S for SweetEscape in Bali
by Adi S for SweetEscape in Bali

Going to a wedding party sometime soon? Book a session with SweetEscape and we guarantee you will have a great time with our photographers. We're here #ForEvery moment, so book your session today and let's #makelifememorable!

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