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5 Tips On How To Take The Best Family Photos!
06 6月 2018想法BY SweetEscape

Taking good family photos can be quite the challenge, especially when you have little kids in tow. Just ask SweetEscape photographer in the Philippines, Carlo Cecilio. Even though both he and his wife, Heidi, are photographers, he continues to encounter difficulties when taking family photos. "Sometimes we struggle to take a decent photo of our family, especially having a complete one when there is no around to help us take a picture," he said. With this in mind, he is offering five tips on how you can take amazing family photos, any time, anywhere.

by Camilla for SweetEscape in Gold Coast

1. Plan and research for your shoot

Preparation is key when having your family shoot. You need to have a vision of how you would imagine your family photos to look like. Here's a tip: browse the internet to see what kind of images you prefer. Do you want it to look more traditional/classic and posed? Or do you prefer a more natural, interactive and "a day in the life" kind of shoot? Look at the family photos that appeal to you and this will serve as your guide!

2. Consider the time and location

If you have small children, keep in mind that their attention span for a photo shoot is limited; it usually lasts about 30-40 minutes before they get distracted or tired. Also, consider the best time to shoot your children. In the morning or afternoon, you can avoid them being not in the mood for a shoot since they feel sleepy/fuzzy.

Meanwhile, for the location, determine if you want it at home, outdoors or during your travel. If you plan to do it outdoors like a beach or garden, keep in mind to check weather conditions. The best time to shoot outdoors is between 6am to 10am or around 4pm onwards if you like to have a nice sunset. If you plan to do your shoot on-location like a restaurant, park or resort, please check if the venue requires a fee or permit to shoot in order to avoid problems.

3. Have a list of shots

Now that you have decided on what kind of shoot and where. make a list of shots you want to take. it can be as specific as to where you want the shots to be done and the sequence of who you want to be included in the picture. For example, we can divide by areas or scenes: solos of kids and kids playing for scene 1, mom and kids/dad kids for scene 2, and complete family for scene 3. This will help you save time and be more intentional in what you do.

4. Hire a professional

Once you're all set, the next best thing is hiring a professional photographer. With a little investment, a pro can help you save time and help you focus on creating fun memories with your spouse and children.

by Joan for SweetEscape in Sydney

5. Have fun!

It's very important to preserve memories through your family photos. You may not realize it at the moment, but it is really heart-warming to look back at important milestones in the lives of your children and as a married couple. Having a family photo shoot also creates a wonderful bonding time between your children and you. So be silly and have fun! Remember it's the time together as a family that matters the most.

by Adi S for SweetEscape in Bali

Some of our favorite photos taken by Carlo in Manila

by Carlo for SweetEscape in Manila
by Carlo for SweetEscape in Manila
by Carlo for SweetEscape in Manila
by Carlo for SweetEscape in Manila
by Carlo for SweetEscape in Manila

SweetEscape is online platform that connects you with local photographers around the world. Our mission is to capture your life precious moments, anywhere in the world. SweetEscape is available in over 400 cities around the world.

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