As part of the #IdulFitriDiRumahAja campaign, which itself is part of our commitment to support government's orders not to go back to our hometowns during this Eid season in the midst of the pandemic, SweetEscape captured some of Indonesia's prominent public figures to participate in the campaign by capturing their lovely moments at home through virtual photo shoots.
Virtual photo shoots is a new trend arising because of the pandemic, and it can be easily done by setting up a proper device at home, with SweetEscape's photographers capturing them through the screen. Here are some of the memorable virtual sessions we had recently with the public figures.
Even though this year's Eid can only be celebrated at home, Alice thinks that what matters most is the togetherness that she has with her family and loved ones. She can also still enjoy the delicious Opor Ayam (White Chicken Curry) and Ketupat (Rice Cake), synonymous to Eid in Indonesia.
This was not the first time for Ayu to spend her Eid far away from her hometown. This year, Ayu decided not go back to her hometown during Eid because she values the health and safety of her family at home.
Aminuddin can still feel the warmth and love of Eid celebrations even when she can only celebrate it at home with her family. Aminuddin agrees that #IdulFitriDiRumahAja moments can still be fun, especially when doing a virtual photo shoot with SweetEscape!
This was Kalis' first experience doing a virtual photo shoot. This year's Eid is different, but Kalis believes that every moment spent with her family can still be fun and exciting.
Angkie loves her #IdulFitriDiRumahAja moments! Staying at home made Angkie could spend more quality time with her husband and children. She had a virtual photo shoot session with SweetEscape in three different spots at her home.
Puteri understood that during this pandemic, the photography industry had to adapt with all the social distancing measures in place, and shifting to virtual photo shoots. Just like the photography industry, she hopes that Indonesian people would innovate and adapt during this testing time, and join together in the fight against COVID-19, while staying safely at home.
Holidays could be postponed, but never stop cherising the beautiful moments! SweetEscape wishes everyone to stay healthy and to stay connected with your loved ones, while keep capturing the beautiful moments of your life perfectly with SweetEscape.