People often have misconceptions about Valentine’s Day, and nobody is to blame. What is Valentine’s Day, anyway? It’s a day of love, togetherness and everything nice. Love itself is divided into different forms, meaning that you can love anybody from your spouse, parents, children, friends and so on. Since Valentine’s Day isn’t designated for lovers only, here’s a list of people you can spend this day of love with.
Parents? Most certainly, yes! Your parents were the very first people to welcome you to this universe, and were the first people to love you. Hence all the more reason for you to spend the day with them, and enjoy activities to make all of you connect as parents and children.
Your children are the very beings you brought onto this planet, just like your parents did with you. There’s no doubt in mind that you love them unconditionally, which is why it’s a great idea to spend the time with them doing things that you can enjoy together. Some quality time at the park/playground, or even a whole day of watching family movies together, maybe?
Other than our families, friends are another circle of people we can rely on and depend on. Perhaps it’s that kid from kindergarten who grew up with you through the years through thick and thin. Or maybe even the person you met in class during your college days ended up being your go-to person. Spend a day with your best friend and make it a day full of friendship, love and reminiscing.
If your best friends have their own plans (which is reasonable), there’s always your siblings to spend Valentine’s Day with. You most probably grew up in one household with them and surely shared some tears and laughter together. Eventually you’ll live different and separate lives, so why not cherish those moments together while you still can?
When we get old, we start re-developing habits of when we were in our pre-years of life. Perhaps your grandparents are in an old nursing home, or in their own home enjoying their elderly lives. Show them some love and spend the day with your grandparents, and you’ll be surprised at how much happiness you’ll bring them.
We’re not all “people-person”, and we might just resort to our pets instead. Perhaps it’s always your bulgy-eyed pug who is always there for you, or maybe even your cat who welcomes you warmly back home from work. Pets are wonderful creatures to spend Valentine’s Day with, because there’s no doubt they’ve got a special bond with their hoomans!
Don’t forget to show yourself some love. You don’t always need to spend the day doing the things you love. Whether it’s a day at the spa, or perhaps a few hours at the golfing rage for some peaceful time by yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for all the achievements you’ve made thus far.
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