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It's Time To Declutter Your Life This Spring!
05 Apr 2018IdeBY SweetEscape

Fresh flowers, warm sun, clean air... spring is all about changes and new beginnings. With that in mind, some purging is called for. Here are 8 things worth trying out all throughout this season for a cleaner life - inside and out!

by Stevan for SweetEscape in Batu

Clean Out Your Space

Clean out your kitchen, go through the cabinets and box up any mismatched old plates, bowls, or silverware – then donate! Check under your bed, remove any leftover items and and dust while you’re at it. Grab all bathroom products and check their expiration dates. Also toss anything that you aren’t loving anymore or is super toxic!

Declutter Your Clothes

Let go of all the clothing articles you will never wear again - you know you have them. Toss away all the clothes you keep because you think you might someday need them. Keep in mind to only wear things you feel amazing in! Once you do, we guarantee you will never be at a loss for finding something to wear.

Evaluate Your Career

Are you happy about where you are at work? Will it lead to something bigger and better in your chosen field? Are you settling in order to remain safely tucked inside of your comfort zone? It's time to ask yourself these questions. Once you have it figured out, then it's time to make the next move and make sure you are progressing with your work life.

Organize Your Workspace

Keep your desk minimal. See if your pens work too. You know that junk drawer where all receipts, recipes, and cards go? Recycle anything outdated or irrelevant. Take an hour to organize your workspace - it will be worth it. We promise arranging your desk will help you become more focused at work and keep the creative juices flowing!

by Fernand for SweetEscape in Jakarta

Focus on Your Fitness

Create a workout plan so you will feel stronger and gain more energy. Make a schedule, include something that's actually fun, and give it a go! Experiment with new classes like trampolining or yoga. As well as keeping you in shape and giving you a real sense of achievement, the endorphins boost will help keep stress at bay.

Change Up Your Diet

You really are what you eat. Some foods are just too good to say no to. It’s important to make sure you’re getting a balance of nutrients, and a variety of fruit and vegetables will definitely help you out here!

Get More Sleep

So many of us sleepwalk through life, wondering why we feel so stressed, and frustrated. Could it be because we don't get enough sleep in the first place? It's time to slot in more hours into your slumber - at least 7 hours per day. Mark our words: getting more sleep will clear your head and make you more focused at work and beyond!

Be In Touch With Nature

Now that the weather’s improving, try to squeeze a little more outdoor time into your days! Spending time in green surroundings is one of the best things you can do for your health, thanks to the healing combination of fresh air, vitamin D – producing sunshine and the de-stressing effect of natural environments.

by Aidin for SweetEscape in Labuan Bajo

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