For some of you who have reached the big 3, life isn’t as intimidating as you thought it would be. Perhaps it’s because you’ve gone past it already, or maybe you’ve learned to deal with things better – and it became easier. However, for those of you who aren’t there just yet… you might be feeling a little nervous already, thinking that life is about to be (figuratively) over. Truth is, it won’t be over! Life is never over unless you let it be.
Since we can’t stop the time for you, we can help you prepare yourself better for the big 30! How? By doing things that we suggest you should do before you hit that three-oh. Remember to always look at things positively, and you’ll be surprised at how things turn downside up before your eyes! To thirty and thriving!
Remember the friend who “stole” your boyfriend/girlfriend back in high school? Or perhaps, the very person you relied on in your college years ended up betraying you that it scarred you for life? We know, it can hurt – especially in that moment and time. But when you think about it, things happen for a reason, right? If a person is meant to be in your life, they will continually be in it. Grudges only bring you down further than you realize, and it makes you drained on the inside! Why waste yourself for the past? It's time for you to move on forward for the better, we believe in you!
Whether it’s the fear of heights, the sea or some slimy amphibians – it doesn’t hurt (well, maybe just a bit) to get rid of one or two of the phobias you have. We get it! It’s fearful, which is why they are called phobias to begin wit. But when you think of it, phobias limit you from doing so many great things and possibilies, and you might not even realize it. Get your closest ones to help you out and support you for thihs, or if you happen to be daring, find alternative ways to overcome that phobia/fear of yours.
For the love of food and tasty delicacies, if you happen to be a passionate foodie, surely you have one or two of your most favorite cuisines. Perhaps you have so much love for Mexican burritos, or Indian chicken tikka masala. Whichever it is, why not try to cook one of them? You’ll feel proud of yourself, and it’ll be an accomplishment you’ve unlocked that can be shared with your friends and circles.
If you’re used to dating the same type of person over and over, chances are you would be going through more or less the same things together. Perhaps you have always liked the passive type. Why not try the more aggressive kind? Or perhaps you were always into people who were dependent on you for almost everything. Why not try going for someone a bit more independent? Trying out different things (and different types of partners) will help you see and feel the world from a different perspective as well.
Wherever you live, if you have never explored your homeland/country fully, then SweetEscape would like to suggest that you go on this long overdue trip while you still can. Take however much time you need to do so, because it will be a long trip indeed. Although it's highly suggested for you to go on a solo trip, you can also opt to go with your friends or even loved one for this long trip. You'll be surprised when you discover things you never knew existed. The most important part is that you will learn a lot about yourself; what you're capable of doing, who you really are and so forth.
Do remember to book a session with SweetEscape to capture those moments for you! Anytime, any where, and whichever island you would like to explore, you can simply book your session in less than two minutes through our website or mobile app. SweetEscape is always ready #ForEvery moment! Book your sesion now and let's #MakeLifeMemorable