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Good Things to Celebrate at Home This Easter Weekend

This Easter Weekend might be a totally different experience for all of us. No longer do we spend it by following masses or services in church buildings; now we have to celebrate it at home, sometimes via online live stream services that churches everywhere do.

Although Easter–or Passover, for some of you–might feel different this year, as does life in general thease past 3 months, we always like to focus on the good and the positive of all things, including this weekend's special occasion. Here are some of the good things you could celebrate together this Easter weekend at home.

1. The Entire Family is Here

More than anything, one good thing that this pandemic and subsequent quarantine / lockdown have brought us is much more time to spend with our family members. Fathers who usually go out almost the entire day for 5 days a week can spend their afternoon breaks with their children, teenagers who usually are busy at school or hanging out with friends can spend more time listening to their grandparents' stories from the past, and working moms can cook more for their families, and so on. Sure, being stuck at home for weeks or months is not always easy, but let's look at how many families are being brought back together! Stay tuned for an exciting, upcoming project that we have next week which specifically highlights this!

by Yohan for SweetEscape in Bandung
by Yohan for SweetEscape in Bandung

2. Your Health & Lives

If you're still reading this article, we hope that you are still in good health, and your family members are too! Your health is something worthy to be celebrated and to be really thankful for! Here's hoping that all of us will continue to be healthy until everything comes back to normal.

by William S. for SweetEscape in Jakarta

Speaking of normal, we've heard that many of you are still celebrating the birth of your newborn babies! Isn't it miraculous that even in the midst of all this chaos and sadness in the world, precious new lives are still coming to this Earth every single day. It is something to be celebrated indeed!

3. Clearer Skies, Less Pollution

by Dimas for SweetEscape in Yogyakarta
by Dimas for SweetEscape in Yogyakarta

Have you got the chance to look outside of your window lately? If you haven't, do it now! You can see that the sky is particularly blue these days, and reports worldwide have shown that the rate of pollution everywhere is decreasing rapidly. With significantly less traffic everywhere in the world, it's no wonder that the air quality is getting a lot better! Maybe Mother Earth needs a little extra time to rest, and we're being forced to comply by nature. Let's be thankful for a cleaner, greener Earth to come back to after all of this is over!

4. A Chance for a Deeper Learning

by Budi for SweetEscape in Yogyakarta
by Budi for SweetEscape in Yogyakarta

With a lot more hours in our disposals now, this is the chance to learn something new! Many of us in SweetEscape have started trying a lot of cooking recipes online (and we belive that once we're back in office, everyone will be a great chef already!), including that famous arm-jerking Dalgona Coffee. Why not read that book you've been wanting to read but haven't got the chance? Catch up on the TV series, learn new languages, learn to play some instruments, and so on. Make use of our time well by learning new stuffs! Who knows? When all of this is done, new doors of opportunities would open for you!

by Shani for SweetEscape in Jerusalem

Celebrate the hope and peace that Easter always brings every year at home, and who knows? Maybe just like the resurrection that the world are celebrating this Sunday, our daily lives will suddenly spring back to life too before we know it. Until then, stay healthy, stay hopeful, and we are sure we'll have your lives #CapturedPerfectly by SweetEscape again, soon.