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Preserving the Joy of Childbirth During CoViD-19
08 5月 2020想法BY Tracy

Of all the significant experiences a woman goes through in life, giving birth may be the most important one on the list. Apart from bringing new life into this world, one must do so in the safest way possible. This very same thought goes through every pregnant woman’s mind especially now that we are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis. Most women are terrified to give birth and are left with little to no time to prepare for this constantly changing situation.

by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu
by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu

Enter Audrey Pastelero, a self-made entrepreneur who started out designing bags then transitioned to businesses catering to children and all things related to motherhood. Married to her husband, Carlo and together with their first-born son, Theo, Audrey will soon give birth to her second child and although others may seem anxious about this experience, she is a picture of calmness.

by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu

Audrey has been relishing this quarantine period, enjoying every second of it with her family. “It's given us an opportunity to bond together before the baby comes. I'm really enjoying just being with my husband and son 24/7,” says Audrey. Mother’s Day is also around the corner but instead of a grand celebration, this mom just wants more quiet time with the family as they prepare to welcome baby number 2. “I think I’ll be requesting for a restful lazy Sunday with an afternoon pool-side barbecue. That's if I haven't given birth yet.

by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu
by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu

At 37 weeks, Audrey shares some of her concerns during her pregnancy journey. “It’s a bit nerve wracking. I was so used to seeing monthly to weekly ultrasounds of Theo that always reassured me of his well-being. Now with this pregnancy my last ultrasound and visit to the OB was at 29 weeks, and my next one will be at 38 weeks.” Amazingly, Audrey keeps it together simply by trusting the people involved in helping her deliver her second child. “I'm just taking it easy and keeping off my feet as much as I can to avoid any possible complications. I trust that my OB, my pediatrician and the hospital will handle my delivery in the best and safest way possible.” To complete her preparation, Audrey has also taken the precautionary steps needed to ensure her child’s safety. “I’ve made face shields for my baby for when we leave the hospital and PPEs suits and face shields for my husband and myself so we can get from our room to the car as safely as possible.

by Kate for SweetEscape in Queenstown
by Kate for SweetEscape in Queenstown

Amidst this health crisis, Audrey believes that faith can take you through moments of fear and worry. “You just have to have faith that everything will be okay. We just need to take each day by day and not stress over what we cannot control. The best thing to do right now is stay calm and remember that we are not alone.” she closes.

by Maria for SweetEscape in Cebu

The virtue of positivity guarantees that one can overcome dark and difficult phases in life. Audrey is the best example of that. Her belief in people and her ability to stay calm and collected has helped her preserve the joy in her pregnancy journey. There are moms all over the world exactly like Audrey who remains positive throughout this pandemic. Moms who deserve recognition and this upcoming Mother’s Day is the best way to do just that. Let us honor these fearless women and celebrate Mom the best way we can.

In partnership with Photobook, SweetEscape is offering a 75% discount to download all photos on your existing SweetEscape albums plus a 20% discount on Photobook Mother’s Day Gift Sets from April 30 to May 10, 2020! For more information, visit this link!

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