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How To Clean Up Your Relationships in Eight Easy Steps
08 4月 2018想法BY SweetEscape

It's not just your life that needs some decluttering this spring. Your relationships, be it with yourself, the people around you and the things in your life, could benefit from some cleaning too. Check out the 8 ways you can do just that this season and beyond!

by Helena for SweetEscape in Cape Town

1. Get Playful

The sun is out, the breeze is wafting... it's time to go out and play! Revisit hobbies from your childhood, buy a colouring book and splash colours all over them, run with your dog at the park - do whatever that makes you feel good. Look for the humour in everyday situations. Make up silly dance routines. Laugh more!

2. Enjoy The Quiet

Once you've had all the fun, it's time to dial it down and enjoy the quiet. There is so much needless noise in this world, and this is the perfect time to declutter that as well. Lie down and give silence a try! Mostly because it's so rare, and thus, beautiful. And while you're at it, listen to your inner voices and learn something new about yourself.

3. Ditch Toxic Friends

We all those pesky friends who just can't resist to start up an argument at every turn or make offhand jokes that only leave you irritated. Un-commit to any friendships that are leaving you feeling bad about yourself or unnatural, and stop gossiping with them too. Leave all that toxicity in your past!

4. Do A Digital Detox

While you ditch toxic friends in real life, do the same in your digital life. There are always those friends who keep airing grievances on political matters or inciting hate speech. And if you feel like using social media makes you feel worse about yourself, consider taking a social media break to reduce the ‘noise’ in your life.

5. Learn To Say 'No'

You do realize you don't have to say 'yes' to everything, right? If you feel like staying in on the weekend to catch up on some reading or cleaning, you can refuse your friend's invitation for brunch. Remember that Dr. Seuss quote: those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind!

6. Treat Yourself

And we don't mean eating yourself into oblivion! Schedule time for a mani pedi, haircut, wax, massage, whatever it is that will make you feel polished and your best. Go green at home and buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of flowers, buy an air-purifying plant or grow a herb garden in your window box. Keep it clean and fresh - inside and out!

7. Do You - Only Better

Ditch the practices that you’re not loving, and find the self-love ideas that bring you the most joy. Stop going to the workout that you hate and find one more pleasurable. Quit watching TV for hours a night and instead get more sleep. Fill yourself with love and appreciation for what you have in life!

8. Shake Up Your Routines

Visit a local farmer’s market and try some unfamiliar ingredients you haven’t cooked with before. Sign up for a new fitness class. Get up early and watch the sunrise. Take the scenic route to work – bonus points if you manage to walk, bike or roller blade to the office. Take a new approach for the tried-and-true, and you'll be surprised to find out the new perspective it brings!

by Helena for SweetEscape in Cape Town

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