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Homeschooling Ideas to Keep Your Kids Occupied at Home

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is forced to do their daily activities at home, including our chidlren. Sure, schools every where have given out online study modules and conducting online classes, but when all of these are done, what else should your children do? Keep them active (and fun) with these exciting homeschooling ideas from us!

by Windi for SweetEscape in Bali

1. Story Time!

One of the easiest ways to get their attention and keep them occupied is by doing a story time, and this is where your SweetEscape photos come in handy! Get your children to pick their favourite photos from your SweetEscape album, and ask them to try telling the story of the moment based on what they remember after seeing the photos. It's a great way to strengthen the bond in the family, and also keeping your hopes up for a better time after this pandemic.

by Rony for SweetEscape in Bogor

2. Colouring Their Favourite Characters

Every child has their own favourite character, be it a superhero or a cartoon character. There are lots of exciting colouring books to be purchased online, but if you can't find them, there's an even simpler way: Let them pick their favourite characters, look for a black and white / outlined picture of it online, and print them! Childrens love colouring with crayons or coloured pencils. Remember not to discourage them from using mismatching colours on the characters; it helps them build their creativity and imagination!

by Irvan for SweetEscape in Bandung
by Irvan for SweetEscape in Bandung

3. Music Time

If one of you parents is able to play a musical instrument, now is a good time to start transferring the skills to your children! With music, it's always good to start early, so start getting your children to play the piano or strum the guitar. Start with simple songs and basics, and who knows? Maybe by the end of this pandemic you have a future maestro at home!

by Chris for SweetEscape in Bandung
by Chris for SweetEscape in Bandung

4. Sports: Let Them Be The Instructors!

This is by far the most exciting activity you can try with your kids at home! For once, let your kids be the instructor and follow their moves exactly! You'd be surprised at just how creative and innovative children are with their movements, and before long, you'd burn some calories together while having lots of fun!

by Saleh for SweetEscape in Bandung
by Saleh for SweetEscape in Bandung

SweetEscape always believes in focusing on the good things, even during difficult times. We believe that after all of this is over, there are more beautiful family moments to be captured, and it all can start from what you do at home with your children right now. Stay active and joyful! We will have your family #CapturedPerfectly again, soon!