We’re closing the 6th week of quarantine and we’re sure you have come across plenty of stories about love and how love always seems to prevail, even in isolation. In the last few weeks, online dating apps are experiencing a surge in new users adjusting to the new norm by creating and maintaining connections digitally. This initial phase in physical distancing is part of a behavior trend that will continue to evolve as more people adopt this new way of life.
All around the world you’ll find creative ways people express love for their significant others on social media. Online proposals, virtual dates, serenading from the driveway and even prenuptial photoshoots done online. Although falling in love with someone you met on an app may still be a difficult subject for some, it’s even harder when you’ve spent years physically together and now have to live lives apart.
Interestingly enough, we’ve somehow adjusted to that too. Right now, people’s mindset is stuck on whether or not they can hold your hand without fighting the urge to spray sanitizer first. But guess what? Love is such a universal language that every single one of us can understand all its forms of expression. That’s what humanity is built for. We have found thousands of ways to express love even in isolation which is something the world needs to recognize and celebrate.
In the Philippines, the entire country is expressing love painted in full Filipino glory, resilient, humorous, and creative. But the best kind is uniting as one to show love for fellow Filipinos by assisting those in dire need of medical attention and financial aid. Private organizations and communities coming together to raise funds for the production of Personal Protective Equipment for our selfless frontliners. Celebrities and public figures have also come together to perform and use their voices to raise funds to ensure that children do not go hungry during this crisis. Scientists who share their knowledge with the world to inform and update us about the status of CoViD-19 vaccines and possible cures. There are just some of the countless number of tales of selflessness and bravery. An act of love visible not only from this tropical island but from all over the world, too.
Love makes us capable of actions beyond imagining. We become braver, more understanding, and accepting. We adapt, we learn to see beyond our needs and equate our happiness with theirs. This sense of fulfillment is a goal worth achieving. So, whether you’re a parent, a patriot, or just a person looking to make a connection, these trying times is proof that love is boundless. So go ahead, take that step, and express your love. Be creative and use these moments to create memories at home. When this is over, go on adventures with your loved ones and we'll be there to help you create more memories #CapturedPerfectly!