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Moon Cake Festival is More Than Just About Moon Cakes!
29 Sep 2023INSPIRATIONBY SweetEscape

Moon Cake Festival this year falls on 29 September! While it’s widely celebrated by eating delicious moon cakes together, did you know that this festival is more than just that? We’re here to share with you the greater significance that it has!

Also Known as the Mid-Autumn Festival

by Bale for SweetEscape in Bangkok
by Aloysius for SweetEscape in Singapore

Widely celebrated in East and Southeast Asian countries, this festival is also traditionally celebrated by giving thanks to the moon for the harvest, commemorating harmony and unity!

Family Reunion Holds Great Importance

by Wandri and Team for SweetEscape in Hong Kong
by Minsik for SweetEscape in Taipei

Moon Cake Festival also celebrates the arrival of the full moon. The roundness of the full moon and moon cakes symbolizes wholeness, unity, and reunions! Truly it’s the perfect time to celebrate precious moments of togetherness after so long!

Let’s make your moments of reunion and togetherness with your family memorable by having the memories captured in photos! For this, SweetEscape connects you to professional photographers in 500+ cities around the world! Smile, we’re here!