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Captured with Fotto by SweetEscape: JISPHORIA 2022 featuring Performances by Guest Stars from South Korea & Indonesia
05 11月 2022ニュース&更新情報BY SweetEscape

JISPHORIA is an international music festival that was held on 1 October 2022, at the biggest stadium in Indonesia, Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). This event was livened up by special performances from South Korean boyband iKON and great guest stars from Indonesia, such as JKT48, Lyodra, Andmesh, and SM*SH.

As a matter of fact, SweetEscape supported Jakarta International Stadium by documenting the events from the press conference session with the talented guest stars until the concert took place.

by Vincent for SweetEscape in Jakarta
by Vincent for SweetEscape in Jakarta
by Lando for SweetEscape in Jakarta

Perhaps, most are already familiar with SweetEscape’s service which offers photography for holidays, weddings, graduation ceremonies, maternity, etc. However, SweetEscape’s services is even more diverse by also specializing in other fields like business-to-business (B2B) through expanding to a new category of photoshoot services.

The needs of businesses for impactful visual contents can be answered with “Fotto” by SweetEscape as a B2B representative. Fotto is a one-stop visual content creation partner that you can rely on by connecting businesses with photographers around the world, and also offering project management services and videography. Projects involving big events, properties, and brands can be captured thoroughly; one of them being JISPHORIA. If you are interested to know more about Fotto, tap to check out the website https://www.fotto.com/.

by Vincent for SweetEscape in Jakarta
by yusuf for SweetEscape in Jakarta
by yusuf for SweetEscape in Jakarta

SweetEscape will undoubtedly continue to expand its new segment of photography services. Do not worry because your business will be provided with a professional photographer to capture the moments and your photos will be ready to be download within within 3 business days. You can #CreateImpactfulContent with Fotto by SweetEscape!

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